Thursday, September 17, 2009


This post is quite delayed, since pancakes are a Saturday ritual in the Morris household. Thus, the pictures are from last Saturday. These are not any common box-mix pancakes...these are the Swedish pancake box-mix pancakes! Chris grew up with his mother making them and introduced them to me when we first were married. I do not generally like pancakes, but these are so thin and small that I love them. Particularly, I like to roll them up rather like tortillas and dip them in syrup. Mmmmm.... Luke adores them as well, as evidenced by the pictures. The box mix is only available at our local Fresh Market, so we have to make regular trips to stock up, which also provides Chris with the visual reminder that fresh roses win high marks with his wife. :) He has become such an expert at Swedish pancakes that I prefer his above all other pancakes I've tasted! Luke and I are looking forward to this Saturday! :)


Whitney said...

These look great Heather. Do you by any chance make them without egg? I am sad for Walt that he can't have pancakes. I'm sure there is a way to make them w/o egg but I haven't looked into it yet. I love your blog! I am working on mine and will send it to you soon :)

pharmer said...

Hi Whitney! Just found your comment! :) Nope, these have egg. Sad! Don't they have egg substitutes for baking? Maybe that would work?


Two types of immune cells mingle in a small patch of tissue at the side of a mouse gut. We do learn from these experiments...honest!